
Archive for June, 2024

Wednesday Wisdom

Seed tomorrow with wise example today!

There’s an old English adage:  A good example is the best sermon

Wishing a happy birthday to an exemplar standard of these wise words. On a daily basis, I’ve been blessed to live with the behavioral homilies of this rare man for 50 years. His empathy, support, compassion, and unconditional love transcends the struggles and despairs of daily life.  He is truly a remarkable human and respectfully adored husband, uncle, friend, father, and grampa.

Praying to learn from your example for many, many more blessed years, Curt. Happy Birthday!

As we approach our next glorious journey around the sun, it’s a good time to stop and ponder: What do you model for those who surround you?

Life is calling . . .  Today’s the day!

Learn Lavishly. Live Significantly. Leave a Legacy.


Marilynn Semonick, CEO (Chief Exploration Officer)

Educator, Consultant, Coach, Facilitator, Professional Speaker


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Wednesday Wisdom

Seed tomorrow with wise reflection today!

As a child, Lucille Ball was reserved and inhibited; however, wanted to try her hand at show business. When she was 14 at Manhattan’s John Murray Anderson School for Dramatic Arts, her instructor said she “was a tongue-tied teenager spellbound by the school’s star pupil, Bette Davis,”  telling her mother she was “too shy” to ever be successful.

Her mother became a widow when Lucille was four and moved the family near her intensely “puritanical couple” step-grandparents who influenced her self- image. For example, concerned with vanity, mirrors were not present in the home. Like all of us, she and her brother’s childhood experiences continue the story of those who raised us. Lucille reflected:

Children internalize their parents’ unhappiness. Fortunately, they absorb our contentment just as readily.

Determined, Lucille pushed forward and I Love Lucy was born in 1951. An immediate hit, it become the most-watched show in America by the following year. Lucille reflected:

Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.

I cured myself of shyness when it finally occurred to me that people didn’t think about me half as much as I gave them credit for. The truth was, nobody gave a damn… When I stopped being prisoner to what I worried was others’ opinions of me, I became more confident and free.

In every sense of the word, Lucille was a trailblazer. The red-headed actress is perhaps best known for her role as klutzy, accident-prone Lucy Ricardo from the hit series; however, her long list of accomplishments extends well beyond her talents on screen. Lucille reflected:

In life, all good things come hard, but wisdom is the hardest to come by.

She was clear and verbal about the fact that she could not tell jokes. Her facial humor and story- telling acting are legendary.

I think knowing what you cannot do is more important than knowing what you can.

When she died in 1989 at the age of 77, she left behind a legacy of admiration for generations of actresses, humorists, comedians, and people like me.


Life is calling . . .  Today’s the day!

Visit http://www.The Success Studio.com . . . Learn Lavishly. Live Significantly. Leave a Legacy.


To read archived Wednesday Wisdoms visit http://www.thesuccessstudio.wordpress.com

Marilynn Semonick, CEO (Chief Exploration Officer)

Educator, Consultant, Coach, Facilitator, Professional Speaker


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Wednesday Wisdom

Seed tomorrow with wise humanity today!

A colleague of mine, Chuck Gallagher, recently posted this message:

When a flashlight grows dim or quits working, you don’t throw it away, you change the batteries. When a person messes up and finds themselves in a dark place, do you cast them aside? Of course not! You help them change their batteries! Some need AA . . . Attention and Affection; some need AAA . . . Attention, Affection, and Acceptance. Some need C . . . Compassion. Some need D . . . Direction. And, if they still don’t seem to shine, simply sit with them quietly and share your light.

It’s easy to ignore, judge, or avoid another who is struggling. However, life isn’t always kind or easy to navigate. So let’s take Mohammed Ali’s advice:

Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.

Life is calling . . .  Today’s the day!

Visit http://www.The Success Studio.com . . . Learn Lavishly. Live Significantly. Leave a Legacy.


To read archived Wednesday Wisdoms visit http://www.thesuccessstudio.wordpress.com

Marilynn Semonick, CEO (Chief Exploration Officer)

Educator, Consultant, Coach, Facilitator, Professional Speaker


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Seed tomorrow with wise humanity today!

Poet Amanda Gorman had the world in awe as she read her powerful poem “The Hill We Climb” at the inauguration of the President Biden. She began writing the poem the day extremists stormed our Capitol. Moved by years of increasing discord, amplified by the COVID pandemic, Gorman’s message of unity was delivered with exceptional articulation, poise and grace.

Powerfully, her words wove ostensibly incompatible viewpoints: an unflinching critique of America’s complicated and sometimes shameful history, coupled with an optimistic celebration, rich with hope for a brighter, kinder, and more equitable society. She calls us to act:

There is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.

Ours is the choice of how we live today to create a future that includes many who, too often, are left behind.

Life is calling . . .  Today’s the day!

Visit http://www.The Success Studio.com . . . Learn Lavishly. Live Significantly. Leave a Legacy.


To read archived Wednesday Wisdoms visit http://www.thesuccessstudio.wordpress.com

Marilynn Semonick, CEO (Chief Exploration Officer)

Educator, Consultant, Coach, Facilitator, Professional Speaker


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